Density Bonus Application Processing

The State of California allows a “By-Right” bonus of additional market-rate units and reduced parking  in residential projects that meet certain requirements including a minimum of units restricted to affordable (below-market) rents, sale prices and incomes.  The State Density Bonus is a powerful tool for increasing the supply of housing without undue limitations at the local level.

The State Law also allows for local discretionary review of residential projects that meet the by-right requirements, but also request relief from a menu of various incentives such as reduced setbacks, increased height, or increased floor-area-ratio.  In the City of Los Angeles, this review is called “On-Menu Density Bonus” request and can be processed without a public hearing.

Some cities go beyond the state’s provisions to offer additional incentives.  The City of Los Angeles calls this “Off-Menu Incentive” Requests in which pretty much anything may be requested.  However, Off-Menu cases often involve a negotiation with the City Planning Commission to provide certain public benefits beyond the basic affordable units to earn additional incentives.

Entitle and Permits regularly processes all of the above types and is available to navigate the complexities of the Density Bonus laws and local regulations.   Our planners have brought more than 250 affordable units for working Angelenos and more than 500 density bonus units to our clients’ projects.

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