Executive Directive No. 1. ED1.

Executive Directive No. 1 to Expedite and Reduce Costs of Affordable Housing


Ah, the City of Angels! Los Angeles, a sprawling metropolis known for Hollywood, beaches, and sadly, a housing crisis that has impacted its residents for years. But what if I told you there’s light at the end of the tunnel? Enter Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, who, within her first week in office, issued Executive Directive No. 1 (ED 1). The aim? To drastically speed up and lower the cost of building affordable and temporary housing.

Objective of ED 1

Okay, let’s break it down. What exactly does ED 1 want to achieve? In simple terms, ED 1 aims to produce housing more quickly and move people inside faster. It’s like a fast track for approving, permitting, and issuing clearances for affordable housing projects. Think of it as a VIP ticket to bypass the usual red tape.

Departments Involved

Three’s a crowd, but not when it comes to tackling the housing crisis in LA. The Departments of City Planning, Building and Safety, and the Los Angeles Housing Department have all joined forces to make ED 1 a reality.

Pre-ED1 Vs Post-ED1: A Comparison

Before ED1, getting approval for affordable housing was like a game of Snakes and Ladders—full of setbacks and delays. But now? It’s more like a sprint. Timelines are accelerated and approvals come in quicker. We’re talking less “Please hold, your call is very important to us,” and more “How can we help you today?”

How Does ED1 Work?

You might be wondering, how does this magical ED 1 actually operate? Good question. ED 1 outlines steps, procedures, and requirements, streamlining the whole approval process. It’s like having a cheat sheet for an exam you’ve been dreading.

Impact on Real Estate Developers

But what does this mean for the builders and developers? A lot actually! They can now plan, approve, and execute projects at an unprecedented pace. It’s like giving an artist a bigger canvas and more colors to play with.

Impact on the Homeless Population

But it’s not just about buildings and numbers; it’s about lives. With faster project completions, those without a home find shelter quicker. It’s as if we’ve hit fast-forward on compassion and humanity.

Community Reactions

What’s the word on the street, you ask? Well, reactions are mixed. While many welcome the change, others worry about potential pitfalls. It’s like when your favorite band changes its style; some will love it, some won’t.

The Role of the Mayor

Let’s not forget the orchestrator of this entire operation, Mayor Karen Bass. Her vision is to make Los Angeles a city where everyone has a place to call home. ED 1 is her opening act, and what a show it’s turning out to be!

Implementation Guidelines

Are there any guidelines? Oh yes, there are. Detailed guidelines outline what needs to be done and how. Think of them as your recipe for this complicated dish known as affordable housing.

Case Studies

There have been successful projects already, showing ED 1 isn’t just a pipe dream. These are the “see, I told you so” examples that prove naysayers wrong.

Challenges and Hurdles

Not everything is smooth sailing. There are challenges like bureaucracy, funding, and public opinion. Imagine trying to bake a cake while juggling—something’s gotta give.

Other Cities: A Comparison

LA isn’t alone. Other cities are tackling affordable housing, but with varying degrees of success. It’s like comparing apples to oranges; each has its own unique set of issues.

The Future of Affordable Housing in Los Angeles

If ED 1 continues its trajectory, we could see a Los Angeles where affordable housing isn’t just a political talking point, but a reality. So, are we there yet? No, but we’re a lot closer than before.


So there you have it! Executive Directive No. 1 is like the Avengers assembling to combat LA’s housing crisis. While hurdles remain, the combined efforts of the city departments and Mayor Karen Bass suggest a hopeful future. Are you excited about the possibilities ED 1 brings? Because we sure are!

For more information about ED1, and the streamlined processes in City Planning, Building and Safety, and the Housing Department, please refer to Executive Directive No. 1 and the ED1 Implementation Guidelines.

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